Statistics Canada is reporting the total dollar value of Saskatchewan's 2022 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was $76.7 billion,  a six percent increase from 2021.

GDP measures the value of goods and services produced within a prescribed geographic region over a specified period of time. 

Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison says Saskatchewan's economy is growing.

"Not only do our GDP numbers lead the nation, but they lead by an impressive margin, almost double that of many other provinces. We will continue to support the economic development of Saskatchewan as a way to build and protect our communities."

Agriculture Minister David Marit says being an exporting province the agriculture sector was the main driver behind that growth.

"What we really did see was a significant increase in crop and animal production by almost 50%, and that's all supportive of agriculture as well, which would be your ag equipment and things like that. "

He notes the province has been working to increase and improve our trade relations globally, pointing to the numbers from Mexico as an example.

"About five years ago, Mexico was doing in the neighborhood of $500 to $600 million in trade with the province of Saskatchewan. Last year, they did over a billion dollars. So obviously, it's reflective of obviously price too, but also it can't be all that,  it's got to be increases in production and increase in what they're buying."

Marit says it's important for us, as a province, as a government to make sure that our international trading partners know exactly what we have to offer.

Other key industries contributing to Saskatchewan's strong GDP numbers include mining, oil and gas extraction, accommodation and food services, construction, and manufacturing.