While still not making mask-wearing mandatory in schools, the provincial government is actively considering the decision and has preemptively acquired a store of 6 million masks intended to last until January.

Since the Safe Schools Plan is designed for fluidity, mask usage could be implemented by Chief Medical Health Officer at any time based on the most up-to-date situational and scientific information available.

The masks reportedly cost $2.3 million dollars and will be made available to students, teachers, and staff at the beginning of the school year and on a daily basis.

In addition to face masks, the province has supported school divisions in obtaining access to free face shields for staff through a Canadian company based in Ontario. The full-face shields will be another option available to staff.

The 27 provincial school divisions had a saving of approximately $40 million for last school year, which the province has encouraged to be used towards costs associated with additional procurement as school divisions feel necessary.