The South East Cornerstone Public School Division is currently planning a new project.

"The present plan is that three schools will be combined, consolidated into one school, a new pre-k to six, Haig School, Souris School and Queen Elizabeth School," says Lynn Little, Director of Education for the South East Cornerstone Public School Division.

This year will be a year of finalizing plans, with the following two years allow for construction. The hope is to have the building completed by 2020.

With three schools being consolidated into one, the school division explains that staffing isn't really going to change, however, there will be a need for teachers to plan ahead.

"Staffing is done on a per pupil basis, you'd have the same number of staff in one school as you would've had similar to the three schools before combining them," says Keith Keating, Deputy Director for the South East Cornerstone Public School Division.

The new facility will be state of the art, with more teachers in one building, the students will have the more opportunities for success.

The Weyburn Junior high is scheduled to be demolished as that is where the build for this new school will take place.