A new addressing system is on the way for the RM of Weyburn. 

Properties in the RM will be receiving civic addresses. The civic addressing system is a standardized system used in much of the province. 

“The point of it is to identify buildings and properties in both urban and rural settings,” explained Candace Nixon, the development officer for the RM of Weyburn.  

Letters were sent out to those in the RM in recent weeks describing the system, and explaining how it will work. 

“We’re hoping if people don’t have a letter and live within the RM of Weyburn that they contact the office so we can include them in our system,” added Nixon.  

The purpose of civic addresses is to help make it easier to locate a property, as well as the easiest way to get access to the property, such as a driveway, for emergency services. GPS systems will be updated with the civic address, and this will allow the systems used by emergency personnel to not only provide the best route to a property but the best way to access the property.  

Mailing addresses for the residents of the RM of Weyburn won’t be changing, as those are already post-office boxes assigned by Canada Post.  

“What is changing is their land location that they have now, if they live out there, they’ll be assigned a civic address, much like the city house numbers,” Nixon elaborated.  

The system will see addresses assigned based on 40-meter lot intervals along the township and range roads. There will be a four-digit number and then the range road number. For the township roads, there will be a six-digit number. 

As for how the addresses will be displayed, Nixon stated the property owners themselves will be responsible for that.  

“Council has decided that the civic address signage markers will be put at the end of your driveway, or anything like that,” she pointed out. “If you would like a sign, it is voluntary, but you are responsible for the purchase of the sign and the post. They just ask that it’s on your property.” 

The council has also said the signs can’t have anything other than the civic address, with the exception of the legal land description, lot number, unit number or name. Those who have a farm name will be able to include that on the civic address sign, but the preference from the council is just for the civic address on the sign, at the end of the driveway, which is easy to read.  

There is a process underway to get the system being developed by the RM included in things such as Google Maps so that people who are using the app will be able to find the property they are looking for.  

Another thing that is part of the updates is some signage in the RM of Weyburn. This is due to some name changes of some of the roads within the RM. These changes are being made in partnership with the provincial Ministry of Highways as well as the Information Services Corporation.