(Photo of Outdoor Pool in Weyburn on Canada Day)


Saying goodbye to the summer. The outdoor pool at the Weyburn Leisure Centre will shut down operations this weekend.

According to Tina Clay, Program Coordinator at the Leisure Centre, "is is open all day for noon swim from 12:00-1:00pm and then public swim from 1:00-5:00 and 6:00-8:00, and then we are done for the season. We will move over to the indoor pool on September 13th."

As seen in the photo above, it's been a busy summer for the new pool in Weyburn which opened up on Canada Day, according to Clay. She credits the weather and the features of the facility as a few reasons why.

Maintenance is being done right now on the indoor pool to get it ready for the season. Clay says they will take registrations for their Fall programs on September 13th, starting at 5:00pm.

Some of the programs offered this fall include: swimming lessons, aqua fitness classes and aquatic leadership courses.