Spring has arrived in Weyburn. The buds are forming on leaves, people are out preparing their yards and gardens, and children, and adults, are out on their bicycles.  

With more and more people getting out on their bikes, the Weyburn Police Service has a few safety reminders for everyone.  

It’s important that all motorists realize that bicyclists need to follow the same rules of the road as any motorist,” said Constable Melinda Mintenko with the WPS. “We encourage helmet use, and we encourage safe biking.” 

Minktenko stressed caution during the prime periods when it will be more likely to see people out on their bicycles. This would be before school, after school, and over the lunch hours. People should also expect to see more bicycle traffic in and around school zones.  

For those who do follow the rules of the road on their bicycles, the police do have a way to recognize the safe behaviour, Mintenko added.  

“We do have a positive ticketing campaign at the Weyburn Police Service, and one of those things is safe biking,” Mintenko explained. “So, if we see you out there following the rules of the road, wearing a helmet, and doing great things, you very well may be receiving a positive ticket, which includes a free pass to the Spark Centre.” 

National Bike Safety Month is also coming up right away. It starts on May 1st.