It may feel like Summer, when the Sun's rays hit you, but, it IS still Spring, and here are some of the signs:

big dreams

big dreams II

...little leaves with BIG DREAMS of being a big shade tree for the summer...


...a heatwave creates a mirage on the fields being seeded...

sunrise set

...the sun is up earlier, and sets much later...

pot holes

...potholes are being fixed on many roads...


...people are talking about the need to eat better, for the upcoming bathing suit season...

outdoor concerts

...outdoor concerts are happening, again...

... North-bound CANADIAN GEESE...



... the runners/joggers can be seen throughouth the city...

water tower storm

...risk of THUNDERSTORMS/rain showers are back...


...robins are THE classic sign...

dog in river

duck bird

take off

... the river bustles with activity:

cats 2

...even the house pets are taking advantage of the change in weather, and new grass playgrounds.




Have a great SPRING!!!