Stunting is an offence under the Traffic Safety Act which generally comes about as a result of a driver showing off in their car, but also includes acts which may startle, distract or interfere with other users of the road. As a result, not only can drivers face charges, but pedestrians can as well.

Deputy Chief Rod Stafford with the Weyburn Police Service explained it is something they have seen over the past few weeks.

“The first instance, where there was a number of kids reported to be on foot and darting in and out of traffic on busy streets,” Stafford said, noting the severity of the risks in playing in traffic. “It causes concern because they may not see a vehicle coming for whatever they’re doing.”

Stafford explained when you see a number of people playing in traffic like that, it can have an impact on the behaviour of motorists, who could become excited, and not knowing what to do. This could result in doing something uncharacteristic, such as accelerating, or swerving, and could result in striking one of the kids.

In the instance last Wednesday, the teens avoided tickets but were given a warning by the police. Stafford said the situation serves as a reminder pedestrians can receive a ticket for stunting as well.