CMHA Weyburn was able to install a new chairlift at their building this year, after receiving a grant through the Enabling Accessibility Fund.

"We received $4600 from the federal government,” said Program Director Tasha Collins.

With the addition of the chairlift, the organization can be more inclusive with its programs by improving accessibility within its building.

“That is going to allow our programs to be available to those with limited mobility,” she said.

The CMHA Weyburn Branch and the CMHA Provincial office funded the installation.

Funds from within the community played an important roll in the improvement.

“The donations we receive go towards things like that,” said Collins. “The chairlift, our meal program, some of the vocational program, as well as our recreational and educational stuff as well.”

The chairlift operates on the stairwell to the lower level of the facility, located on Ashford Street.