The trucker convoy in Ottawa in protest of public health mandates is reaching its third straight weekend.  

A multitude of truck drivers and supporters have been in downtown Ottawa and other parts of the city since January 29. 

Souris – Moose Mountain MP Robert Kitchen is currently in Ottawa, and has been speaking with some of the protesters.  

“I’ve met and talked with many of my constituents,” Kitchen said. “I’ve run into them as I’ve walked throughout. Obviously, I’m looking for people from Saskatchewan because I want to hear their points of view and particularly those from the riding.” 

Kitchen said that he has felt safe the whole time he’s been in Ottawa, and that most people have been polite. 

“I’ve never seen anything to suggest any type of violence or anything along those lines. There were incidents that I’ve heard about, that the mainstream media has reported in the beginning. That’s the unfortunate part is that sometimes you have people who tag onto things to disrupt it, and that’s unfortunate.”  

While Kitchen and many other Conservative MPs have met with protesters, Kitchen noted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has not.  

“Trudeau shows exactly what he’s doing, which is chastising Canadians and trying to find ways to call them out and to stigmatize them.” 

Kitchen’s main concern about the convoy going “too far” is when they start putting up barricades on international roads and major transportation routes. 

“When that happens, I think they then there's the potential that they will lose all the credit that they've gained.” 

Moving forward, the Conservatives have asked that the Liberal government come up with a plan on how they’re going to lift federal mandates and restrictions. Kitchen said a vote on the plan will take place on Monday.