For The Family Place in Weyburn, it is an event that is always looked forward to and is circled on the calendar as soon as the dates are confirmed.  

“On Monday we have out 50/50 for Kids starting,” Dawn Gutzke, executive director of The Family Place, announced. “We’re so excited. This is one of our biggest fundraisers each year that we truly rely on to help us keep our doors open, so we’re very excited to kick it off Monday.” 

Each year, there is a large jackpot that can be won. 

“It’s averaged between $20,000 and $26,000 for the last five years that we’ve done it, so we’re really just hoping to just jump past that and hit $30,000 this year, and higher, hopefully,” Gutzke continued. 

The timing of the 50/50 comes as The Family Place gets ready to move into their new facility on McLelland Street. Work is underway to put the finishing touches on the building, and programming there is expected to start in the fall. 

“The funding this year is going directly towards the new building to help us make it as new and exciting as possible for our community, to help kickstart our grand opening here in September,” Gutzke said.  

The tickets will be available at various locations throughout the community Monday to Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The tickets will be available from this coming Monday to Friday, June 23rd. The draw will be held on Monday, June 26th at 10:00 a.m. 

This year, the 50/50 for Kids in support of The Family Place is brought to you by Don’s Plumbing and Heating. You can listen to find out the locations where you can buy your tickets on AM1190, Magic 103.5 or BIG 106.