There's only a few days left to enjoy the summer's most accessible art exhibition in Weyburn, the Walking Gallery located along First Avenue north will be taken down on Monday night.

"It went very well. There were a few pieces throughout the course of the summer that either blew off the fence or became too weathered. So those were removed or reattached as needed," shared City Curator Regan Lanning. "It was a really fun way to get Weyburn residents up and walking and enjoying some locally-created art."

She said the gallery started off with 10 pieces donated by Weyburn Arts Council members.

"It just continued to grow," she noted. "Local residents were adding new pieces to the gallery regularly, and almost weekly it would change in some way."

She said while most were paintings on canvass, some were on wood pieces, and others incorporated mixed media, including one featuring coffee beans.

"2020 continues to be a great catalyst for change and innovation and this was a delightful programming option that we hadn't really thought of doing before we were forced to innovate," she commented. "It was totally a success, and we all enjoyed doing it, and it's entirely likely that the summer walking gallery will make a re-emergence and reappearance next summer."

"The Walking Gallery was only possible this year because of the allowance of us using the fence by Mel Van Betuw," Lanning said. "He owns that fence, and he was very excited about us using it and we were very thankful to him for that."

Lanning added anyone who has art on the fence that they'd like to get back, they need to remove it or have it removed before the evening of September 29th.